Stefano Berlato

Stefano Berlato

Computer Scientist, PhD

Researcher@Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
Keen on applied cryptography, cybersecurity, and cloud native.
Football coach, fantasy reader, and D&D master.

Last update: 22 August 2024

Research Interests

Working on

Applied Cryptography
Cloud Native

Will work on


Worked on

Internet of Things
Reverse Engineering

I speak

Italian - native
English - C1



Fondazione Bruno Kessler

November 2023 - now

Research on applied cryptography, identity and access management, and cybersecurity for cloud native applications. Development of tools for research and demonstration purposes in kotlin. Supervision of interns, BSc and MSc students.

Applied Cryptography
Cloud Native


University of Genoa & Fondazione Bruno Kessler

November 2020 - October 2023

Joint PhD on cryptographic access control in cloud-edge-IoT applications (e.g., Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility) and design of architectural models for optimal enforcement of cryptographic access control policies.

Applied Cryptography
Internet of Things

Research Assistant

Fondazione Bruno Kessler

October 2018 - October 2020

Research activities on access control in the Cloud, mobile and automotive security. Research activities on Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (5G-CARMEN project). Study and design of reverse engineering protections for Java and Android Apps.

Applied Cryptography
Reverse Engineering



July 2018 - October 2018

Research and analysis of best practices against malicious Reverse Engineering (RE) to increase the company's knowhow in Android RE antitampering and anti-debugging protections.

Reverse Engineering

IT Assistant

University of Trento

July 2017 - August 2017

150 hours working contract under the "Information Systems Management" office, Support the deployment of the Digital University project, a new platform serving as Knowledge HUB within the University of Trento.



Heas srl

June 2016 - September 2016

Design of 2 plugins for the web-based SCADA platform ATVISE® in compliance with high-level HMI industrial standards. Developed gestures and tablet-style functionalities, dynamic object instantiation and linking to PLC data.




University of Genoa & Fondazione Bruno Kessler

November 2020 - October 2023

PhD in Security, Risk and Vulnerability, Cybersecurity and Reliable Artificial Intelligence curriculum with the thesis "A Security Service for Performance-Aware End-to-End Protection of Sensitive Data in Cloud Native Applications".

Master degree

University of Trento

September 2017 - July 2019

Master degree in Computer Science, ICT Innovation - Security&Privacy curriculum (110 cum laude) with the thesis "A Pragmatic Approach to Handle "Honest but Curious" Cloud Service Providers: Cryptographic Enforcement of Dynamic Access Control Policies".
Awarded 3rd prize at Thesis Award «Innovating information security» 15th edition - 2019, Clusit.

Bachelor degree

University of Trento

September 2014 - July 2017

Bachelor degree in Computer Science (110 cum laude) with the thesis "Development of a web based Interface for the Orchestration of Machine Learning Components".

Research Projects (4)


January 2023 - now

Consortium: 24 partners
My role: Contributor
Funding: PNRR | NextGenerationEU (PE00000014)
Coordinator: University of Salerno

Within the SeRiCS ("Security and Rights in CyberSpace") Italian partnership, the project SecCo ("Securing Containers") aims at supporting the secure development and deployment of containerized applications on distributed and heterogeneous architectures, while the project STRIDE ("Secure and TRaceable Identities in Distributed Environments") aims at supporting the secure, protected, and accountable identification of entities and actions through digital identity and access control. Relevant partners are CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Telsy S.p.A., ENI, and CINI - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica.

Attribute-based Encryption
Cloud Native
Applied Cryptography


January 2022 - now

Consortium: 2 partners
My role: Contributor
Funding: bit4id
Coordinator: bit4id

METAfora wants to implement new and innovative models of digital identity management and use, placing itself in the strategic confluence between the evolutions of European regulations on the subject, thus a regulated and top-down context, and the dynamics of growth and evolution arising from below, understood as the whole world that is now described as metaverse.

Applied Cryptography
Attribute-based Encryption


August 2023 - now

Consortium: 7 partners
My role: Contributor
Funding: Autonomous Province of Trento
Coordinator: Zucchetti Healthcare

The project aims to conceive and develop a platform (called Familiar) that enables the creation of a coordination system for Long Term Care (LTC) services using innovative digital technologies, with a specific focus on the field of dementia. The ultimate goal is to enhance the quality of life for patients and increase support for their families. Relevant partners are Zucchetti Healthcare, Shifton, SDA Bocconi, Upipa, AIP – Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria.

Applied Cryptography


November 2018 - October 2021

Consortium: 27 partners
My role: Contributor
Funding: Horizon 2020 (ICT-18-2018)
Coordinator: Fondazione Bruno Kessler

The 5G-CARMEN (5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN) project is a medium-term effort to significantly drive the research, implementation, and demonstration of refined 5G solutions for the Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility. Relevant partners are Deutsche Telekom AG, BMW Group, Centro Ricerche FIAT, TIM, NOKIA, and Qualcomm.

Internet of Things

Teaching, Seminars, and Outreach Events

Teaching Assistant

University of Trento

September 2024 - now

Teaching Assistant for the master courses "Advanced Programming of Cryptographic Methods" and "Cryptographic Protocols for Secure Networks and Applications"; preparation of lectures and exams, marking and grading of exams.

Teaching Assistant

University of Trento

September 2020 - September 2024

Teaching Assistant for the bachelor course "Programming 101"; preparation of lectures and exams, marking and grading of exams.



February 2024

Seminar "I Perché e i Come della Ricerca: Il Lavoro del Ricercatore nel Campo della Sicurezza Informatica" at the Tron-Zanella high school.


University of Genoa

October 2023 - November 2023

Lecturer in advanced applications for access control in the "Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection" professional specialization course.

Guest Lecturer

University of Trento

May 2023

Guest lecture in data security for applications based on cloud-edge computing in the "Fog and Cloud Computing" master course at the University of Trento.

Guest Lecturer

University of Genoa

April 2022 - March 2023

Guest lecture in zero trust in authorization – cryptographic enforcement of access control policies – in the "Digital Identity: Enrollment, Authentication, and All That" PhD course at the University of Genoa.

Publications (12)

Stefano Berlato, Matteo Rizzi, Matteo Franzil, Silvio Cretti, Pietro De Matteis, Roberto Carbone

Work-in-Progress: A Sidecar Proxy for Usable and Performance-Adaptable End-to-End Protection of Communications in Cloud Native Applications

in 1st Workshop on Operating Systems and Virtualization Security (OSVS 2024)

Stefano Berlato, Silvio Cretti, Domenico Siracusa, Silvio Ranise

Multi-Objective Microservice Orchestration: Balancing Security and Performance in CCAM

in 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2024)

Davide Pizzolotto, Stefano Berlato, Mariano Ceccato

Mitigating Debugger-based Attacks to Java Applications with Self-Debugging

in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)

Stefano Berlato, Umberto Morelli, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise

End-to-End Protection of IoT Communications Through Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies

in 36th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2022)

Stefano Berlato, Marco Centenaro, Silvio Ranise

Smart Card-Based Identity Management Protocols for V2V and V2I Communications in CCAM: a Systematic Literature Review

in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS)

Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Adam J. Lee, Silvio Ranise

Formal Modelling and Automated TradeOff Analysis of Enforcement Architectures for Cryptographic Access Control in the Cloud

in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS)

Marco Centenaro, Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Gianfranco Burzio, Giuseppe Faranda Cordella, Roberto Riggio, and Silvio Ranise

Safety-Related Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility Services: Interplay Between Functional and Security Requirements

in IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (VTM)

Andreas Heider-Aviet, Danny Roswin Ollik, Stefano Berlato, Silvio Ranise, Roberto Carbone, Van Thanh Le, Nabil El Ioini, Claus Pahl, Hamid R. Barzegar

Blockchain Based RAN Data Sharing

in IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services 2021 (SMDS 2021)

Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise

Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies in the Cloud: Implementation and Experimental Assessment

in 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021)

Marco Centenaro, Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Gianfranco Burzio, Giuseppe Faranda Cordella, Silvio Ranise, Roberto Riggio

Security Considerations on 5G-Enabled Back-Situation Awareness for CCAM

in IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum (5GWF 2020)

Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Adam J. Lee, Silvio Ranise

Exploring Architectures for Cryptographic Access Control Enforcement in the Cloud for Fun and Optimization

in 15th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2020)

Stefano Berlato, Mariano Ceccato

A Large-Scale Study on the Adoption of Anti-Debugging and Anti-Tampering Protections in Android Apps

in Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA), Issue number 52

Supervised Theses (8)

Marco Soldera

A Risk Assessment Methodology for VSNF Placement in Cloud Native Applications

Bachelor in Computer Science at the University of Trento (2024)

Simone Brunello

Cryptographic Access Control for Balancing Trust, Protection, and Performance

Bachelor in Computer Science at the University of Trento (2024)

Ion Andy Ditu

Leveraging Trusted Execution Environment for Efficient Revocation and Security in Cryptographic Access Control

Bachelor in Computer Science at the University of Trento (2023)

Erica Elia

A Key Recovery Protocol based on Threshold Secret Sharing for Cryptographic Access Control in the Cloud: The CryptoAC Use Case

Master in Mathematics at the University of Trento (2023)

Enrico Marconi

Combining Blockchain-as-a-Service and Cryptographic Access Control for Secure Data Sharing Across Multiple Organizations

Bachelor in Computer Science at the University of Trento (2022)

Alessandro Colombo

Attribute Based Encryption for Advanced Data Protection in IoT with MQTT

Bachelor in Computer Science at the University of Trento (2022)

Veronica Cristiano

Key Management for Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies in the Cloud: The CryptoAC Use Case

Master in Mathematics at the University of Trento (2021)

Chaudhry Muhammad Suleman

Cyber-security Risk Assessment for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility: Application to Cooperative Lane Merging

Master in Computer Science at the University of Trento (2021)

Open Source Projects (4)

Kotlin Multiplatform for OpenABE

March 2022 - now

Team size: 1 people
My role: Developer
Scope: Open Source Project
Category: Library, Open source

A wrapper allowing to easily use the OpenABE library for Attribute-based Encryption (ABE) from Kotlin multiplatform.



February 2018 - July 2018

Team size: 6 people
My role: Back-end Developer
Scope: University Project
Category: Android app, Open source

University project for building Joni, a tool meant to help blind and visually impaired people to keep in touch with the world. The project comprised the validation of the business idea through concrete analysis on the field and market research with the goal to make news and podcasts accessible by the blind community.

Raspberry Pi


February 2017 - June 2017

Team size: 3 people
My role: Back-end Developer
Scope: University Project
Category: Android app, Open source

University project for building an Android app, called Glumo, to help people who suffer from diabetes with features like automatic alarms and emergency SMS. The project comprised the design of monitoring services with direct bluetooth connection with modern glycemic sensors.



February 2016 - June 2016

Team size: 5 people
My role: Back-end Developer
Scope: University Project
Category: Web app, Open source

University project for building a web application for finding and reviewing restaurants. The project comprised the Agile design and development of the web application with a Java backend, the implementation of the Model-View-Control (MVC) and the DAO pattern for decoupling logic and storage.


Editorial Work and Community Service


Reviewer for: IEEE - TIFS, T-ITS · ICIN · WWW · ITASEC · DBSec · ICFEM

Organizing Committee member of the Topics in Applied Cryptography (TAC) workshop




Reviewer for: CODASPY · SECRYPT · DBSec · FedCSIS · ICISSP · FPS


Reviewer for: Elsevier - JISA · SECRYPT · DPM · SACMAT · ITASEC · DBSec · FPS


Reviewer for: SECRYPT · FPS · ICISS · DPM · DBSec · SACMAT


Reviewer for: ICISS